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Come Explore our Gallery offerings

Douglas Elliott, OIP, McCarthy's Mill.

Gallery open daily

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Well into the second decade of presenting the gallery online, our commitment remains steadfast in showcasing a curated collection of investment quality 20th century 'mid-career-artists' paintings and hand-pulled prints. Complementing these offerings are other singular, rare, and distinctive antique artifacts that can be accessed by using the gallery navbar above.

In addressing the quality and condition of the paintings, hand-pulled prints, and antique artifacts featured in our gallery, be assured that our descriptions and illustrations are characterized by utmost transparency and accuracy. You can count on the fact that no details has been overlooked or omitted in any way...
You have our word on that.

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We're always seeking the best artworks

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Over 30 Years Experience in dealing with 20th Century Canadian Fine Art and Valuable Artifacts

Updated July 1, 2024

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